About us

Our Business model is a simple one- an honest and transparent yet efficient modern method of selling your home by putting you in control of the marketing of your own property. Selling your property has never been simpler, with two levels of package available you choose your involvement in producing your market bundle. 

Create your listing by uploading photographs, floorplans and details of your property and we will make your advert discoverable live on the internet. Your self sell homes advert will be live and available to the market within minimal time on our home grown portal maximising your chance of a successful sale. 

Choose your preferences as to how prospective Buyers will be able to contact you directly allowing you to elaborate on your advert and tell them how amazing your house is. Arrange a viewing convenient to both parties- allowing you to easily and quickly secure a viewing when it suits you. By hosting your own viewings you are able to pitch the real life benefits of your property by highlighting factors that only you as the owner may know and that traditionally may be missed by an agent who has only just entered your property. 

Once the perfect buyer has realised that your home is their future and you’ve agreed on a sale price, you can simply fill out our downloadable exchange of information form to be passed back to us from which we will verify your buyer and create the memorandum of sale for you, sending this document to all buyer, seller and each chosen solicitors to make sure you are able to proceed as quickly as possible, update your advert in the user dashboard to under offer or sold and its time to celebrate the sale of your home along with the huge savings you’ve made by choosing Self Sell Homes.

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